To Succeed, Forget Self-Esteem – Heidi Grant Halvorson – Harvard Business Review

“Here’s an unavoidable truth: You are going to screw up. Everyone — including very successful people — makes boatloads of mistakes. The key to success is, as everyone knows, to learn from those mistakes and keep moving forward. But not everyone knows how……” Heidi Grant Halvorson

To Succeed, Forget Self-Esteem – Heidi Grant Halvorson – Harvard Business Review.

Coach’s Tip:

Is this the missing key to your success?

How can you apply this new knowledge?

Four New Tools for Brain Workouts – H. James Wilson – Harvard Business Review

“Football players work on their football skills, but they also lift weights to improve the core systems that their skills rely on. Think of these auto-analytics tools that way. You work on your business skills, but you need some time in the mental weight room, too.” H. James Wilson

Four New Tools for Brain Workouts – H. James Wilson – Harvard Business Review.

What has your experience been with these tools? (Please share.)

Why Relationships Matter: I-to-the-We | LinkedIn

Why Relationships Matter: I-to-the-We | LinkedIn.

This is a wonderful article!  Great food for thought for leaders everywhere.  Language is powerful and changes the way we think about things.

Coaching Tip:

How does this change your thinking?

How can you integrate this into you daily experience?

(Let me know your ideas.)